Our Work » Families as Partners

Families as Partners

Families as Partners

We strongly believe that students find greater academic success when their home and school share similar values about learning and forge a genuine partnership. That’s why Camino Nuevo Charter Academy actively engages families as partners in the education of children — an approach that we actively encourage and support.  

To ensure the development of authentic and productive relationships with parents, Camino Nuevo offers a variety of opportunities for them to become involved, including a comprehensive workshop program that promotes literacy skills, parenting classes, and leadership and advocacy training.

At each school, a student and family services coordinator keeps parents informed and meaningfully engaged. These are the primary liaisons between the families and the schools, coordinating support services, including health case management and financial emergency assistance, for families in need. They also collaborate with families to design and facilitate engagement opportunities such as workshops, fundraisers, and social events.

When families and school staff develop a positive relationship and work together in the best interest of the child, students experience greater success in school, in college, and beyond. Schedule a visit to see our parent workshop program in action and give today to support our work to empower families and to help build stronger, healthier communities.